Welcome to the new FlakeHub docs experience!

The FlakeHub documentation

Welcome to the docs for FlakeHub (opens in a new tab)! FlakeHub is a Nix flake (opens in a new tab) management platform built by Determinate Systems (opens in a new tab). It provides support for Semantic Versioning (SemVer) for your organization, a central place to discover flakes, and other features unique within the Nix landscape.


FlakeHub brings a variety of new capabilities to the table.

Semantic versioning

Nix (opens in a new tab) has no built-in concept of semantic versioning.

Flake discovery

FlakeHub provides you with several ways to discover flakes (opens in a new tab) published to the platform, including:


FlakeHub can emit webhooks when you push flake releases, enabling you to build integrations on top of FlakeHub. You can associate any public or unlisted flakes to which your account has access with webhooks. You also have the option of filtering events by version specifier.